PlayStation 4 Reviews Archives - Page 5 of 8 - theGeek.games

Tag: PlayStation 4 Reviews

Sony Financials Reveal PlayStations…

IGN has revealed some interesting facts about sales of PlayStation units sold in Q1 2014. Though Sony doesn’t reveal…

More than 4 million…

The Destiny beta recently concluded on the PlayStation 4 and other platforms, and Bungie proclaimed that over 4.6 million…

inFamous First Light will…

The first Infamous Second Son DLC is a standalone game, with a new (and also sexy) main character and…

Sony makes finally profit…

Sony just posted their quarterly results, and for once, they’re actually posted a profit. The reason for the success?…

Assassin’s Creed Unity: Arno…

Ubisoft has sent us a cool another cool trailer of Assassin’s Creed: Unity where Arno, the main hero of…


If you have missed today morning the Live Performance of The Last of Us actors, you can watch the…

Mass Effect 4: a…

BioWare revealed that the Mako vehicle from the original Mass Effect game will be making its return in the…

BioWare trailer is possibly…

Besides working on the next generation Mass Effect, BioWare may also work on on free-to-play MMO, that’s if we…

Destiny has only one…

There was a big concern of Destiny beta players about the size of the game: how big each planet…

Google’s $1B purchase of…

According to the site Venturebeat.com Google has signed the agreement to buy game-livestreaming firm Twitch for $1 billion, which…

theGeek TV