Tag: Sony

Sony - What's going to happen to DriveClub? Evolution was working on VR-support for their late-2014 game.

Sony: Games Can Now…

It seems like the Holiday season isn’t going to be as stacked with exclusives as before. The Last of…
As soon as we have more information on God of War, we’ll share on PS4Pro, so stay tuned!

God Of War’s Director…

Cory Barlog is in a great relationship with Sony. Barlog, who was the lead animator for the first and…
Sony - What's going to happen to DriveClub? Evolution was working on VR-support for their late-2014 game.

Sony May Return To…

After 2015, 2017 might be giving Europe something Sony-related. Jim Ryan, whose comments regarding backward compatibility last time was…

Atari Is Returning To…

Atari, the company behind 1983’s video game crash, is planning a return to compete with Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo.…

Sony: „Big Announcements” By…

It’s time for the local developers to push Sony forward. In his interview with Time, which had so many…

Sony: Success Here, Losses…

Sony‘s financial results aren’t rosy at the moment… Sure, the Japanese company has managed to ship sixty million PlayStation…
Sony - What's going to happen to DriveClub? Evolution was working on VR-support for their late-2014 game.

A Lot Of PlayStation…

Sony‘s financial reports show a few positive figures. Although Sony‘s profit has shrunk by over 50% year-on-year due to…
Let us guess: the usual stability improvements will be included in the patch notes. That's not warrating much to jump this big in the version number. From 2.54 to 3.00, it made perfect sense, as it brought several things from YouTube direct streaming through getting the PS Plus options right from the main menu to posting small video clips to Twitter.

The 4.50 PlayStation 4…

The beta testing has begun, and the first signs are promising. On the PlayStation Blog, a post shows some…
I think that it’s a key sentence for every VR technology and gamer maker companies.

PSVR & VR Technology…

OPINION – Last weekend we had the chance to see for ourselves Sony’s VR solution: PlayStation VR. We tried…
Let us guess: the usual stability improvements will be included in the patch notes. That's not warrating much to jump this big in the version number. From 2.54 to 3.00, it made perfect sense, as it brought several things from YouTube direct streaming through getting the PS Plus options right from the main menu to posting small video clips to Twitter.

It’s Time To Register…

Sony is preparing for another major system update. As was the case before the 4.00 firmware‘s launch, a few…

theGeek TV