Tag: Star Wars Eclipse

We do not hear good rumours about Quantic Dream's Star Wars: Eclipse game: David Cage's team may have already hit a wall.

Will the anticipated Star…

There is a massive development at Quantic Dream regarding Star Wars Eclipse; they’re hiring new staff members.    …
We do not hear good rumours about Quantic Dream's Star Wars: Eclipse game: David Cage's team may have already hit a wall.

Quantic Dream Develops Star…

In 2021, Detroit: Become Human surpassed one million copies sold on Steam, generating enormous profits for Quantic Dream.  …
We do not hear good rumours about Quantic Dream's Star Wars: Eclipse game: David Cage's team may have already hit a wall.

Even More Delays For…

Quantic Dream’s game has been rumoured to be years away from release. Well… the years seem to be piling…
We do not hear good rumours about Quantic Dream's Star Wars: Eclipse game: David Cage's team may have already hit a wall.

Was The Last Of…

We’ve heard rumours of two Quantic Dream games, so in addition to the already announced Star Wars: Eclipse, we’ll…
We do not hear good rumours about Quantic Dream's Star Wars: Eclipse game: David Cage's team may have already hit a wall.

Star Wars: Eclipse Already…

We do not hear good rumours about Quantic Dream’s Star Wars: Eclipse game: David Cage’s team may have already…
A reliable source has shared details of the new Quantic Dream game announced at The Game Awards 2021

Quantic Dream’s Star Wars…

A reliable source has shared details of the new Quantic Dream game announced at The Game Awards 2021  …
A reliable source has shared details of the new Quantic Dream game announced at The Game Awards 2021

[TGA] Star Wars Eclipse…

A spectacular cinematic trailer gives us a glimpse of what’s next for the Star Wars games     A…

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