Days Gone's Free DLC Summer Has Started! [VIDEO] - theGeek.games

Days Gone’s Free DLC Summer Has Started! [VIDEO]

Days Gone’s Free DLC! Sony really wants us to play Sony Interactive Entertainment Bend Studio’s game either again after beating the main story or for the first time.

On the PlayStation Blog, we read that from June 6, a lot of free DLC is coming to Days Gone. The first DLC is going to be the Survival difficulty, which is recommended for those who didn’t have much trouble completing St. Deacon’s adventures on the hard difficulty. They’ll see that the Central Oregon wildlands have received a few tweaks. Aside from the enemies getting the usual buff, we can also kiss the Fast Travel goodbye! Also, there will be no HUD either, unless you use the Survival Vision skill. If you manage to complete Days Gone on Survival, you’ll get trophies, as well as exclusive bike skins.

That is just the beginning: SIE Bend will also start pushing out weekly challenges to Days Gone. Each week, a „new combat, bike, or horde challenges drop” will arrive with different limitations for you. Successfully completing them will earn you patches that will bring you minor improvements in the gameplay. Also, you will level up, gaining access to character and bike skins, plus there will be rings as well, bringing in even more character perks. (What is this, Lord of the Rings?) However, the rings cannot be brought over to the base game – they are only there to make the challenges easier. The first challenge, coming in late June, will start with you having to survive an endless horde attack. (What a tough start…)

Days Gone is already available, exclusively for PlayStation 4. In Sony’s Days of Play, which runs between June 7 and 17, you can pick the game up for just twenty dollars, which in our opinion is a steal!

You can read our review of Days Gone here.

Source: DualShockers

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BadSector is a seasoned journalist for more than twenty years. He communicates in English, Hungarian and French. He worked for several gaming magazines - including the Hungarian GameStar, where he worked 8 years as editor. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our impressum)

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