Details Of The Cancelled Star Wars Title From Visceral Games

Its creator assured us that it would have been the best Star Wars game, compared it to Uncharted, but it was cancelled by Electronic Arts.


What could have been but was not? It is the thought that comes to mind with the new information arising from the Star Wars game that was cancelled. The project was being carried out by Visceral Games, the team responsible for the Dead Space saga, and directed by Amy Hennig, scriptwriter of the first three Uncharted games, the Soul Reaver saga or Jak & Daxter among others.

Producer Zach Mumbach has been chatting with a YouTube channel

MinnMaxShow, where he has revealed interesting contributions about the game, especially focused on why it was never published and led to the final closure of Visceral Games.

“The game was pretty advanced – you felt like it was Star Wars Uncharted.”

The main character of the game was going to be, according to the producer, a mixture of Robin Hood and Star-Lord. Its design was quite advanced and there were several levels, one of them being a spectacular chase with an AT-ST. “It was a great moment. You were on foot on the run, but you were more agile, you went through alleys, you crashed and you took advantage of the destruction physics of Frostbite… you would feel like you were in a Star Wars Uncharted”. Game progress was on track: “We had a piece that was basically finished – we were putting the finishing touches on it just as the studio closed.”

The game’s code name was Project Ragtag, but it all came to nothing because of Battlefield Hardline. Mumbach blames EA‘s lack of organization. He claims the company asked them to develop Battlefield Hardline. It was a studio specializing in single player games, and they had to make changes for the assignment. In the process, many creatives on the team that had been part of the success of Dead Space left for other studios when they were forced to work on the development of a new Battlefield, focused on multiplayer mechanics.



Those who were good at what we did left when they were forced to work on Battlefield Hardline

“There were people who were experts of single player games and storytelling. Some went to Crystal Dynamics to work on the Marvel’s Avengers game. That’s fine, these are things that happen. So we hired some experts in multiplayer FPS. But when we launched Hardline, they came to us with that we had to develop a game in third person. This is hard for me to overcome. Who was in charge of the plan? There was no plan, obviously. We were experts in one genre, we changed the whole studio and then they told us ‘do what you did before’, but we were like ‘those who were good at what we did before have left’ “.

Finally, Mumbach is very clear that the game would have been a success, and is left with the bad taste in his mouth that he could not take advantage of the talent of Amy Hennig with the license: “I thought, there is the great Amy Hennig, we have a chance to make the best Star Wars game ever made and a candidate for GOTY. This is not an Army of Two. “

Afterwards, Mumbach left EA, which has returned to the intergalactic saga with a single player game called Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Mumbach is currently working on the independent game Airborne Kingdom.

Forrás: 3DJuegos

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Praesagus is a Role-Playing enthusiast and a huge fan of most story-driven games. He's also a diehard fan of everything related to Star Wars, Star Trek, or Fallout and likes to divide his free time between his beloved girlfriend and the retro games he loves so much.

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