Avoid Dark Souls 3’s Online Mode on PC Because Hackers Have Found a Serious Security Hole!

Dark Souls 3 players on PC should be on the lookout for an extremely dangerous new exploit that can cause permanent damage to their computers. It could also affect Elden Ring!


It’s hard to decide which is the best Dark Souls game, so let’s just say that part 3 is one of the best! This and the whole trilogy is worth revisiting, as Elden Ring is coming, which returns to the more classic Souls formula after Sekiro. But you should be careful with the Dark Souls 3 multi, and even with the previous episodes because hackers have discovered a serious security problem in the code on PC.

Dexerto reported that a user named SkeleMann wrote on Twitter that he had found a very serious vulnerability in the code of the PC version of Dark Souls 3 that could expose your computer to attacks, i.e. stealing passwords or running unwanted programs remotely on your computer by exploiting the online section of Dark Souls 3. It’s a bit of a “Trojan horse”, so he recommends not playing the game in multiplayer mode in its current state. Or if we do, he suggested installing an anti-cheating mod called Blue Sentinel, which helps detect hackers, although SkeleMann informed me that some forumers on Reddit say it does not and that it does not protect against this.

This vulnerability officially allows an operation called remote code execution (RCE), which allows an attacker to execute commands or code on a remote machine over a network, including the Internet. The Verge has provided evidence of this from a recording of a Twitches stream, at the end of which we witness a hacker using Microsoft’s PowerShell to speak to the streamer in not so nice words. However, this was allegedly not done out of malice, but to show proof that, yes, there is a vulnerability in the Dark Souls 3 netcode.

Although many have reassured me that few people can execute the RCE attack, there have been examples of this in Minecraft, and many believe that Dark Souls 1-2 and the upcoming Elden Ring have or will have this vulnerability, as the network code is very similar to the Soulsborne games, so FromSoftware should address this. Bandai Namco, the publisher of Dark Souls and Elden Ring, responded on Reddit, “Thank you very much for the notification, we have forwarded a report to the concerned internal teams on this matter, we appreciate the information!” So hopefully the problem will be rectified as soon as possible.”

Elden Ring is coming to PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S on February 25, 2022. You can read about the game’s multiplayer here, and here’s a look at the other most anticipated games of the year.

Source: Dexerto.com

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