Here is Amber Heard’s public statement about her lawsuit with Johnny Depp

MOVIE NEWS – The legal battle between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard over defamation and domestic violence has been dragging on for years. Amber Heard has now shared a public statement on Instagram ahead of their upcoming trial, in which she continues to stand by the allegations and also addresses her 2018 article.


No small stakes, exactly $100 million, depend on the outcome of the lawsuit between Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard. The actor is suing the Aquaman star for defamation, who is now defending her position ahead of the trial in the following statement:

“I will be offline for the next few weeks. As you may know, I will be in Virginia facing my ex-husband Johnny Depp in court. Johnny is suing me for an opinion piece I wrote in the Washington Post in which I recounted my experiences of violence and domestic abuse. I never named him, but rather wrote about the price women pay for speaking out against men in power.

I continue to pay that price, but hopefully, when this case is closed, I can move on and Johnny can move on. I have always retained my affection for Johnny and it pains me to have to revisit the details of our past life together for the world to see. At this time, I acknowledge the continued support I have been fortunate to receive over these years and will rely on him more than ever in the weeks ahead.”

Otherwise, it’s not easy to take a stand between the litigants, as Depp has previously pointed out that Heard’s allegations are slanderous, with the actress completely twisting the two’s story, as it was she who physically and verbally abused Depp, and the actress has reportedly admitted to instigating a fight with her husband. The hashtag #JusticeForJohhnyDepp has been popping up on the internet from time to time, with many of his fans taking the actor’s side and demanding that Depp be given back the roles he lost to the accusation (which led to him having to let go of the lead roles in Fantastic Beasts and Pirates of the Caribbean) and that Heard be booted out of Aquaman and Lost Kingdom. A few audio recordings have also surfaced on the internet of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp arguing, in which it is not obvious that the actress is the victim of domestic violence and not the man.



It is precisely because of the loss of such roles that Johnny Depp is demanding at least $50 million in damages from her for defamation, while Heard has sued her ex-husband for $100 million (also for defamation). Depp had previously sued News Group Newspaper for calling him a “wife beater” in the pages of the British newspaper The Sun, but did not win the case and had to pay substantial sums of money because the British court sided with Amber Heard. This case has given a further boost to the Justice For Johnny Depp movement.

The current trial, which will take place in the Fairfax County Circuit Court under Chief Magistrate Penney Ascarate, may well bring success for Johnny Depp. In any case, there are six weeks to decide the case, and the trial will be broadcast on Court TV alongside the official website. The trial will start on 11 April.

Source: Movie Web

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