Two monitors on one stand - we can position and move our screens in many different ways with this new solution

Two monitors on one stand – we can position and move our screens in many different ways with this new solution

TECH NEWS – Users’ demands for monitors can be very diverse in terms of ergonomics and user experience. The proper adjustment of traditional monitor stands is often a problematic and time-consuming process, even though a screen or screens placed at the right height and angle can significantly improve the posture of the user during work, and this can have a positive effect on their well-being in the long term in addition to their efficiency.


User and software requirements


In many jobs, it promotes efficiency if users see several running programs or as many elements of the software they are currently using at the same time, and can access them conveniently and quickly – in such cases, the most obvious solution is to use a second screen. A problem that often arises is that users cannot place the monitor connected to the second computer in an ideal position: with most stands, the monitor can only be moved in one or two directions, and the process of setting it up and moving it is also problematic. And we have a limited amount of space on the desk, a significant part of which is taken up by one – or, as the case may be, two – monitor stands.

There is also a difference between the software used for each job in terms of visual extensibility, from the point of view that we can see and reach the individual elements of the used interface more easily in a vertical or rather horizontal layout – of course, individual preferences and habits can also play a role in this. LG’s Ergo Dual monitor pair with its special stand, which is now also available in Hungary, is specially designed for complex work. guarantees full flexibility during use: the two displays can be moved independently and placed in almost any position and arrangement.

The special Dual Ergo stand belonging to the pair of monitors can also help the efficiency of group creative and other cooperative work processes: the screens can be rotated in both directions at an angle of 335 degrees, so that what appears on the screens can also be easily seen by those sitting around the table. The stand can be easily and safely attached to the desk with a special base, and the wires can be routed inside the frame, thereby freeing up considerable space on the desk.


Comfort and efficiency


Our feeling of comfort while working we typically don’t even perceive a significant part of influencing factors, even though they can affect our health in addition to our performance. An example of this is improper posture, which can cause, for example, back and neck pain or other health problems, as well as prolonged, constricted breathing. A direct consequence of these factors can be a deterioration in concentration, performance and general well-being.

When arranging our workstation, it is therefore important to pay attention to the correct placement of the display or displays, as this significantly determines our body position during work. The essence of the Ergo Dual monitor base for the pair of monitors is that you can place the display in any position in front of you: with the stand, you can comfortably adjust the height, distance, tilt and rotation angle of the monitor, so you can fix the screen in almost any position above the table. With the customizable setting options, a healthier posture can be achieved while working, and this can have a significant positive effect on our performance both in the short and long term.

Source: LG

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