A The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Fan Has Created Some Cool Custom Controller Art to Celebrate the Next-Gen Update

To celebrate the Next-Gen Update for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, a fan has created a custom controller to mark the occasion.


Fresh ahead of the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Next-Gen Update, a fan of the series has created a pair of custom-painted controllers to celebrate the update. The fan then posted his work on social media, including the r/Witcher3 subreddit, where he received praise and compliments from other fans of The Witcher 3.

The Next-Gen update added new features and content to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt across multiple platforms. From graphical fidelity improvements, to the addition of cross-platform save transfers, to the inclusion of community mods, fans of The Witcher 3 who have played the game on previous generation hardware can now experience the game again or try the series for the first time. Whether it’s a new PC, PS5 or Xbox Series X/S, The Witcher 3 Next-Gen update is designed with ray-tracing and/or high frame rates in mind.

Some custom painted controllers that I did, perfect for the next gen update! from Witcher3

A Reddit user and self-proclaimed Team Yennefer member named GriftyGamerGuy has painted and customized a DualSense controller and an Xbox Wireless Controller. The paint jobs included embellishments and references to The Witcher 3 on the front panels. The new coats of paint were based on the white versions of each controller. On the DualSense controller, GriftyGamerGuy painted the five Witcher characters Aard, Axii, Yrden, Igni and Quen on the touchpad, the Wolf School medallion on the left handle and The Witcher 3 logo on the front buttons. For the Xbox controller, GriftyGamerGuy decided to put the Witcher symbols on the right handle, the game logo in the middle, and the Wolf School medallion on the left handle. He placed each controller on a controller stand, and the CD of the game’s soundtrack lay nearby for scale.

GriftyGamerGuy’s post received more than 900 upvotes in a week on the r/Witcher3 subreddit, with comments praising their work and asking if they were accepting commission requests. GriftyGamerGuy also noted that working with controllers is their primary source of income and told any users who inquired about their controllers to send a direct message. Thanks to the Next-Gen update, fans of The Witcher 3 can enhance the experience with ray tracing and other graphical fidelity improvements and enjoy the journey with their controller of choice in hand.

A grafikai fejlesztések és a Next-Gen frissítésben felfedezhető új, rejtett meglepetések között a The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt olyan, mintha egy új játék lenne. Néhány hiba és az azok kijavítására kiadott hotfixek ellenére a The Witcher 3 ismét a figyelem középpontjában van, akárcsak 2015-ben.

A The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt már elérhető PC-re, PS4-re, PS5-re, Switch-re, Xbox One-ra és Xbox Series X/S-re.

Forrás: GameRant

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