Just to Make You Miss It More: Dead Rising 5 Gameplay Leaked Online! [VIDEO]

Just to Make You Miss It More: Dead Rising 5 Gameplay Leaked Online! [VIDEO]

Brand new screenshots and footage from Capcom’s Dead Rising 5 have surfaced from an artist’s portfolio, giving gamers a glimpse into the cancelled zombie title.


Fans of Capcom’s Dead Rising games have discovered a treasure trove of concept art and video footage from the cancelled Dead Rising 5, giving players a glimpse of what they could have been in store for the fifth installment in the series. Although the franchise has resurfaced in 2021 as part of a Dead Rising and Teppen crossover, there hasn’t been a numbered Dead Rising game since 2016’s notably weak Dead Rising 4.

Capcom’s zombie franchise debuted with 2006’s smash hit Dead Rising, in which players stepped into the shoes of photojournalist Frank West as he tries to fight his way through zombie hordes in a Colorado mall while battling a colourful cast of sometimes crazed survivors. The Xbox 360 title was praised for the sheer number of enemies that could be brought to the screen, as well as Frank West’s unique, often humorous way of taking down the zombie hordes with a variety of improvised weapons. The later installments in the franchise moved away from the lighter and more comedic tone of the first game and became increasingly grim, with the series going on hiatus after the problematic development of Dead Rising 5 led to the game’s cancellation.

While players may never get the chance to fight Dead Rising 5’s legions of undead foes, they can now get a better look at what the game had in store for them, thanks to new screenshots and video of the title found by fans of the franchise. Discovered on the portfolio page of a former technical trail designer for the title, the clips and screenshots show Dead Rising 2 protagonist Chuck Greene battling his way through jungle and urban environments that appear to be set in Central or South America. Players can click here to watch a short video of Chuck battling swarms of zombies, interacting with NPCs and even fighting some kind of scythe-wielding enemy.

This collection of never-before-seen assets from the cancelled title shows a game with a seemingly lighter tone, more in keeping with the original Dead Rising games than the decidedly divisive, sombre sequels. Aside from the new location and new enemy types, the portfolio reveals that Dead Rising 5 would have featured a more streamlined loot system. While zombie fans can still count on titles like Capcom’s Resident Evil 4 remake to scare the undead, this new media shows that the publisher’s other big-budget zombie franchise could still have some life left in it.

For gamers still smarting from the cancellation of Dead Rising 5, these tidbits of what could have been can be bittersweet. And while players won’t be able to re-enter the world of Dead Rising anytime soon, the zombie MMO The Day Before could offer undead-fighting thrills they’ve been missing out on in the near future.

Source : GameRant 

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