The actor of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Reacts to the Famous Peter Parker Face Model Swapping Scandal

Yuri Lowenthal, the actor who played Peter Parker in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, has once again spoken out about his character’s controversial face, as the actor and model he was based on was replaced by another actor when the PS5 version was released.


Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 voice actor Yuri Lowenthal has once again addressed the controversial redesign of Peter Parker and the ongoing discourse surrounding it. When the remastered version of Marvel’s Spider-Man was released for PlayStation 5 in 2020, Insomniac made one major change to the main character Spider-Man: while actor John Bubniak was the performance capture artist for Peter’s unmasked face in the original PS4 version, he was replaced by Ben Jordan in the updated PS5 and PC port. This change was carried over to the Spider-Man: Miles Morales spin-off released that year, and Ben Jordan’s version of Peter Parker will be seen again in the upcoming Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

The decision to change the look of Peter Parker in the later Marvel’s Spider-Man sequels was made to make the character more like his voice actor Yuri Lowenthal, but fans who prefer the older look of John Bubniak have accused Insomniac of trying to copy Tom Holland’s younger Spider-Man from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and feel it doesn’t suit the seasoned web-slinger from the first game. Said fans have used mods to try and recreate John Bubniak’s Peter Parker in the PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, while others have come to terms with Ben Jordan’s version and even prefer it to the original.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has only reignited the debate about Peter Parker’s remake, and even the actor behind the clever hero is getting tired of it. Yuri Lowenthal recently sat down for an interview with, during which he discussed Peter’s changed face. When asked about the change, Lowenthal replied that it never bothered him that much. “For me, the show was the same. I got over it as soon as they said, ‘Hey, we want to change it so the facial animation is better’. I said, ‘I’m in!’ I don’t care if it looks like a leprechaun, if my portrayal is better, I’m in.”

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 star Yuri Lowenthal went on to say that he’s a bit tired of the constant back and forth about which version of Marvel’s Spider-Man’s Peter Parker is better, as he feels that “everything that needs to be said has already been said” and that some fans will take longer to get over the change than others. At the same time, he noted that people have connected deeply enough with the character he helped create in Marvel’s Spider-Man to have this kind of reaction to his redesign – even if he hopes everyone will “get over it”.

Az biztos, hogy Peter Parker Marvel’s Spider-Man változata gyorsan a szeretett szuperhős egyik legnépszerűbb inkarnációjává vált – olyannyira, hogy az idei Pókember: Across the Spider-Verse című filmben egy rövid cameo megjelenést kapott, mielőtt visszatérne a Pókember 2-ben. A rajongóknak lesz miről beszélniük, amikor a Pókember 2 októberben megjelenik, de Yuri Lowenthal úgy érzi, hogy a Peter hírhedt újratervezése körüli vita már lezajlott.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will be released on October 20, exclusively for PS5.

Source: GameRant


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