Star Wars Outlaws Is Out: Here Are Some Getting Started Tips and Tricks for the Game!

We’ve put together a bunch of Star Wars Outlaws beginner tips to help you become the ultimate galactic thief…



Star Wars Outlaws, Ubisoft’s long-awaited space rogue adventure-RPG game, is out today. Our fresh and crisp review is now available at this link.

While Ubisoft does a great job introducing Kay Vess and Nix, a few tips to get you started never hurt, so we’re sharing a few tricks to help you smoothly enter the life of thieves.

(Our tips do not contain spoilers.)


Use Nix – he’s the R2D2 of Outlaws!


Nix is ​​a convenient little companion who is highly versatile. He can distract guards, steal trinkets and pickpockets, sabotage control panels, and even jump on top of enemies’ heads to take them down. Many of these abilities can be used in the heat of battle. For example, if you spot someone running to an alarm to call more guards, you can get Nix to distract them; or if you’re sneaking past a group of enemies, Nix can also grab nearby loot for you.



A Ubisoft bemutatta a Star Wars Outlaws különleges kiadásait - sőt, az előrendelők hamarabb játszhatnak majd a játékkal!



Call your speeder!


I don’t remember the game specifically teaching this, but you can summon your speeder engine by pressing the right button on the D-Pad. It’s a bit like whistling to Roach in The Witcher 3 or calling your horse in The Legend of Zelda. There’s an ability to fast travel to your bike, but it seems like a pointless addition when you can summon it in the open world, though you can use it as a temporary destination if you need to jump back into town for something.


Find datapads!


As with random items and trinkets, you’ll often find datapads scattered around the planets you visit. Most of these contain interesting stories and background information. But many of them provide essential clues for side quests, or even tips for Fathier competitions, where you can find out the winner of a rigged bet. These datapads not only offer funny moments, but without them, you’re missing out on some great fun.



Ráadásul már nem is kell sokat várnunk a Star Wars Outlaws-ra, hiszen augusztus 30-án érkezik a nyár egyik kasszasikerének ígérkező játék.



Don’t worry about failure, Outlaws is gracious!


When it comes to hacking terminals – called slicing – or picking locks, Ubisoft has been very generous. There is no total failure in these activities. You can try as long as you want. This is very useful for lockpicking as it relies on rhythm-based timing, which takes some getting used to. While slicing gives you a few tries to solve the puzzle and a few credits as a reward, going beyond that and entering the “red” attempts doesn’t mean you fail or trigger any alarms.


Focus on the experts!


Instead of improving your skills with experience points like in other RPG adventure games, in the case of Outlaws, you learn your new skills through the experts you meet during the story. You can find them in the menu along with the mission log. Each specialist offers a speciality, and their abilities are very useful in all aspects of being a thief. As you unlock them, discover what they have to offer and even track the requirements to unlock a new ability.



A Star Wars Outlaws minden bolygója vagy holdja körül keringő pályák vannak, amelyek felfedezhető területként szolgálnak.



Use fast-travel!


This might seem obvious, but you can fast travel to a lot of places. Even from planet to planet, which can save you a lot of travel if you have limited playing time. The same goes for exploring the open world; you can fast travel to points of interest you discover, such as your ship or your speeder. The only time you can’t fast travel is when the enemy is on your trail, if you’ve pissed off the Empire enough…


Don’t stress about losing your reputation!


Despite the game’s focus on the criminal factions you’ll be working for, they’re remarkably volatile. Show them just a little kindness and they will welcome you with open arms. Also, it’s very easy to regain a lost reputation if you make the mistake of knocking out a guard you shouldn’t have or something. (Well, not that this has happened to me, no way!) If you still feel that a faction doesn’t like you, just sell them some information, do a few quests and you’ll be fine.



A Ubisoft hamarosan megjelenő Star Wars Outlaws nyílt világát az egyik legnagyobb Assassin's Creed-játékhoz, az Odyssey-hez hasonlítják.



Sell, sell, sell – that’s what Outlaws is all about


When you visit a vendor, you can sell all the random stuff you picked up along the way. There are two things to note. First, you will earn more money if the merchant is from a faction that likes you. They offer a little more money for each item. Second, you can press a button (usually ‘Y’ or ‘triangle’) to sell useless valuables. Some items will be marked as sellable, but may still be useful later. Keep these, as they are faction-related and can get you out of a tight spot.

For now, that’s all you should know – for the rest; you’ll find out yourself when you travel the galaxy far, far away…

Source: GameSpot, Polygon

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