After BioWare’s art director recently shared concept art from the original Dragon Age: The Veilguard, we now have a new look at the previous installment.
Once again, Matt Rhodes has taken to Twitter to share four images showing a total of 21 character concepts. They didn’t make it into the third part of Dragon Age. Originally, they were supposed to be playable in Dragon Age: Inquisition’s excellent co-op multiplayer mode (which Electronic Arts threw a pretty big load of good old-fashioned monetization at…).
There were some bold concepts in the released game mode (Silent Sister, Saarebas), but there were also equally bold suggestions that ultimately didn’t make it into the game. For example, there’s a pirate queen who’s a Qunari rogue and resembles Isabela from Dragon Age 2, only with horns. The Rivaini guard could also be an interesting sight. The Cube Golem would be more Destiny 2 than Dragon Age: Inquisition, and his characterization is quite humorous (“Some rocks can be pretty weird”). Then there’s the Automaton, an Orlesian “metal soldier who knows how to cry.” And the dwarf named Excavator with the little candle is a cute little guy…
Throwback Thursday
Never actually posted these before:
Early [rejected] pitches for Inquisition multiplayer characters.— Matt Rhodes (@mattrhodesart) November 7, 2024
Then there’s The Hermit. Here’s the big surprise: he’s Anders. He’s the one we saw in Dragon Age 2 and in the Dragon Age: Origins Awakening expansion pack. His characterization says it all: “There are many reasons for mages to hide in the wilderness. From persecution by the Templars to the crippling guilt of starting a war that threatens to burn the world to ashes. BioWare and Rhodes had planned for Anders to appear in Dragon Age: Inquisition in more ways than one. Shortly after the game’s release, an image of Anders was shared of him being found in the desert, and the description of him there was also somewhat ambiguous (“some guy in a cave”).
So there are a lot of concepts, all worth checking out.
Throwback Thursday
Never actually posted these before:
Early [rejected] pitches for Inquisition multiplayer characters.— Matt Rhodes (@mattrhodesart) November 7, 2024
Aztán ott van The Hermit. Na ez a nagy meglepetés: ő nem más mint Anders. Őt a Dragon Age 2-ben, illetve a Dragon Age: Origins Awakening kiegészítőjében láthattuk. Az ő jellemzése sokat elárul: „A mágusoknak sok oka van arra, hogy a vadonban rejtőzködjenek. A templomos üldöztetéstől kezdve a bénító bűntudatig, hogy olyan háborút indítottak, amely azzal fenyeget, hogy hamuvá égeti a világot.” A BioWare és Rhodes több módon is tervezte, hogy Anders felbukkanjon a Dragon Age: Inquisitionben. Annak megjelenése után nem sokkal egy olyan képet osztott meg Andersről, akit a sivatagban találtak meg, és a jellemzés ott is kissé megosztó volt („Valami csávó egy barlangban”).
Úgyhogy vannak koncepciók dögivel, érdemes átnézni mindegyiket.
Forrás: PCGamer
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