Tag: PlayStation 4

It doesn't look fake at all. We can't wait for the announcement. After all, if Microsoft did the same, why shouldn't Sony do it too?

PlayStation 4: 7th core…

Both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One has an eight-core CPU inside them. Both of these current generation…
We'll see on December 1: that is the launch day for the game on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Just Cause 3: Big…

Avalanche Studios‘ Just Cause 3 is going to launch on December 1 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC,…
Tony Hawk - A day-1 patch is bigger than the base game.

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater…

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5‘s situation is somewhat ridiculous: there’re not even 5 gigabytes of data on Blu-ray, while…
Bluepoint Games - If not, it's still very possible to see Demon's Souls on the PlayStation 4, which would keep the game's PlayStation-exclusivity.

Demon’s Souls for PlayStation…

Bloodborne’s official Twitter account uploaded an interesting image – you can see that below this article -, which is…

Beyond: Two Souls –…

DigitalFoundry completed the obligatory framerate comparison of Beyond: Two Souls‘ 2013 PlayStation 3 original and the recently released PlayStation…
We're happy to see this happening - maybe the already hugely successful PlayStation 4, which just broke the 30-million barrier could get even more sales on the table with this solution.

Official Remote Play support…

We wrote about a non-official Remote Play solution a few days ago, which would allow the player to stream…
The problem is that FIFA, the rival franchise by EA Sports sells way more than PES. Oh well. If you want to get your annual football fix on the cheap, maybe this is your way to go.

PES 2016: Surprise! Konami…

Pro Evolution Soccer is pretty much the only stable console franchise for Konami because it’s guaranteed to see an…
Our editor team doesn't have a one-sided opinion about this game, some of us think it will flop, and some of us say it might be just fine. Maybe fixing server problems now won't be causing trouble upon launch.

Rainbow Six Siege: The…

Yesterday, we wrote about how Ubisoft‘s team-based shooter Rainbow Six Siege didn’t have its free, open beta launch properly…
Let's start with Nintendo's consoles. NES games were not supported by the SNES console. The N64 didn't support nor the SNES

Backward compatibility – What’s…

OPINION – When Xbox One started to support a catalog of Xbox 360 games, Sony reacted with a surprise…
Although it's possible that only money talks, maybe this is not the case here. Instead, both HuniePot and Instacodez might just try to step up against people, who are against sexualization. We fully support a much freer game market.

The Dead or Alive…

Yesterday, we wrote about how Team Ninja and Tecmo Koei doesn’t want to release Dead or Alive‘s spin-off series…

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