Tag: PlayStation 5 Pro

TECH NEWS - According to sources from Insider Gaming, Tom Henderson, the PlayStation PSSR system sets the bar very high.

PlayStation 5 Pro: A…

In addition to the console’s artificial intelligence-based upscaling technology, PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR for short), RAM could also…
TECH NEWS - According to sources from Insider Gaming, Tom Henderson, the PlayStation PSSR system sets the bar very high.

PlayStation 5 Pro: Sony…

But this is essentially an admission of guilt on Sony’s part, because if there was no half-generation version of…
Here's a roundup of what we've heard about Sony's half-generation update, the PlayStation 5 Pro. PS5 Pro

Could This Be The…

TECH NEWS – According to Digital Foundry, the PS5 Pro’s PSSR, a technology similar to NVIDIA’s DLSS, will be…
TECH NEWS - According to sources from Insider Gaming, Tom Henderson, the PlayStation PSSR system sets the bar very high.

Is PlayStation About To…

TECH NEWS – According to sources from Insider Gaming, Tom Henderson, the PlayStation PSSR system sets the bar very…
Here's a roundup of what we've heard about Sony's half-generation update, the PlayStation 5 Pro. PS5 Pro

PlayStation 5 Pro: Will…

Sony’s half-generation console refresh hasn’t even been officially announced yet, and we’re already hearing a lot about it, although…
Here's a roundup of what we've heard about Sony's half-generation update, the PlayStation 5 Pro. PS5 Pro

PlayStation 5 Pro: Are…

The video from a not-so-reliable insider was followed by a much more “solid” informant, and it seems that there…
Here's a roundup of what we've heard about Sony's half-generation update, the PlayStation 5 Pro. PS5 Pro

PlayStation 5 Pro: Don’t…

Based on the specs of the yet-to-be-announced console, it’s almost impossible to expect double the frame rate of the…
A patent by Sony got things heated.

PlayStation 5 Pro: AMD…

Sony’s half-generation console update hasn’t even been announced yet, but the company is likely to unveil it soon.  …
Here's a roundup of what we've heard about Sony's half-generation update, the PlayStation 5 Pro. PS5 Pro

PlayStation 5 Pro: Do…

If third-party publishers (e.g. Electronic Arts, Ubisoft) are already aware of what Sony’s yet-to-be-announced half-generation console will be capable…
Here's a roundup of what we've heard about Sony's half-generation update, the PlayStation 5 Pro. PS5 Pro

PlayStation 5 Pro: 120…

Here’s a roundup of what we’ve heard about Sony’s half-generation update, the PlayStation 5 Pro.   In the video…

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