Tag: PlayStation Plus

The successful remastering of the Activision classic is the first PS Plus game to come this August.

You can now download…

The successful remastering of the Activision classic is the first PS Plus game to come this August. This last…
PlayStation renews the titles offered on its service with a selection to suit all tastes PS Plus Bloober Team. PS Plus Extra. PS Plus Premium. PlayStation Plus.

PlayStation Plus: What Can…

Sony is seriously fooling us – it looks like we have to prepare for the Mondays to see them…
At least they don't seem to cheapskate this time around.

Sony is Celebrating PlayStation…

At least they don’t seem to cheapskate this time around. So far, it seemed that Sony will simply throw…
Zeus had previously complained that someone had blocked his card: it had been himself, and now he’s subscribed to PS Plus until 2031.

A User Accidentally Subscribes…

Zeus had previously complained that someone had blocked his card: it had been himself, and now he’s subscribed to…
PlayStation Plus - So, the balance isn't entirely positive for February, but the appearance of MGS4 in the February line-up on PS3 isn't a bad idea.

PlayStation Plus: The July…

Sony seems to have given up on the Wednesday afternoon announcements (way to kick the tradition up the stairs),…
PlayStation Plus - So, the balance isn't entirely positive for February, but the appearance of MGS4 in the February line-up on PS3 isn't a bad idea.

PlayStation Plus: The June…

We’re in a somewhat unusual situation – one of the games are already confirmed – but what is the…
According to rumours, 2021's Call of Duty (as Activision Blizzard would never skip the opportunity to stack its pockets even further each year) will be set in a familiar period.

Call of Duty WWII…

PlayStation kicks off its month early by offering the popular Activision shooter for free. There are still a few…
PlayStation 5 compatible - PlayStation Studios - DigitalFoundry's new analysis video talks about how Sony's new console could improve the performance of games made for the yet current platform

PlayStation News: From PlayStation…

A recap, led by the new branding that will be an umbrella brand that will be used for all…
PlayStation Plus May

PlayStation Plus: A Petition…

The May PlayStation Plus titles (that we mentioned on Wednesday) got the subscribers a bit angry, as the games…
PlayStation Plus - So, the balance isn't entirely positive for February, but the appearance of MGS4 in the February line-up on PS3 isn't a bad idea.

PlayStation Plus: These Are…

Sony has published the – unfortunately short – list of two games that will be available for free for…

theGeek TV