Tag: SNK

Samurai Shodown - The more you will get hit, the higher your Rage Gauge will go.

Samurai Shodown: The Three…

We finally learned who the three newcomers on the starter sixteen-character roster will be. The three characters got revealed…
Samurai Shodown - The more you will get hit, the higher your Rage Gauge will go.

Samurai Shodown: The Resurrection…

The weapon-based fighting game will swing its sword on more than just the PlayStation 4… Athlon Games and SNK…

Samurai Shodown Is Making…

The franchise, which is known as Samurai Spirits in the East, is getting revived after over ten years of…

SNK Teases A New…

SNK might repeat the thing they did three years ago – history indeed could repeat itself. SNK, which was…

Neo Geo Mini: The…

The Neo Geo Mini, which looks like a small arcade machine cabinet, gets one of the key details. Yesterday,…

Neo Geo Mini: SNK…

SNK officially announced the console, and it also will be available worldwide, too. The company announced here and here…

SNK Hypes A „New”…

After Nintendo and SEGA, another company will strike shortly. Gematsu translated a tweet by SNK, which reads: „This year,…
The game received no less than three new trailers. King of Fighters XIV will have a massive roster with fifty (!) playable characters.

King Of Fighters XIV…

SNK‘s fighting game is heading to a new platform. SNK, which started to go creative again in recent times…
Hi! My name is Enter-Girl. I'm official character of SNK Entertainment. I'm not good at English. But I'll do my best to tweet it in English.

SNK Now Has A…

The reborn company is making another marketing move. SNK – SNK Playmore – SNK. The three-letter company, which formerly…
Sony - PS Vita - No life... literally!

The PlayStation Vita Expands…

It’s not common nowadays to see the PlayStation Vita receive games. However, an SNK title is heading to the…