Tag: Sony

It looks like one of Microsoft's most known characters will also follow suit shortly.

Kratos Enters Fortnite [VIDEO]

It looks like one of Microsoft‘s most known characters will also follow suit shortly. Tim Sweeney’s company announced that…
This country was safe from additional taxes, but from 2021, there is no excuse: the legalities will no longer allow some people to pay less than what they should.

One Of The Biggest…

This country was safe from additional taxes, but from 2021, there is no excuse: the legalities will no longer…
Keiichiro Toyama has left Sony Interactive Entertainment to be the head of Bokeh Game Studio.

Siren And Gravity Rush…

Keiichiro Toyama has left Sony Interactive Entertainment to be the head of Bokeh Game Studio. Toyama, who previously was…
CrepChiefNotify doesn't want to get filthy rich by just scalping the PlayStation 5 - they now put their dirty hands on the Xbox Series X. console shortage

The First Step Against…

The retailer wants to stop a group of scalpers to resell their stock for a lot of cash, and…
Microsoft blinked before Sony did, and the latter will abuse this chance, it seems. PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales.

Forbes: The PlayStation 5…

Forbes doesn’t have a good opinion of Microsoft‘s new console. However, the site praised Sony’s new hardware. Forbes hosts…
CrepChiefNotify doesn't want to get filthy rich by just scalping the PlayStation 5 - they now put their dirty hands on the Xbox Series X. console shortage

The Infamous Scalping Group…

CrepChiefNotify doesn’t want to get filthy rich by just scalping the PlayStation 5 – they now put their dirty…
Amazon isn't in the best shape in the United Kingdom when it comes to Sony's new console,

Amazon And eBay Face…

Amazon isn’t in the best shape in the United Kingdom when it comes to Sony‘s new console, Bex April…
Microsoft blinked before Sony did, and the latter will abuse this chance, it seems. PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales.

Next-Gen Sales: Another Country…

After the Japanese launch figures, we learn of another country’s sales performance of the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox…
A new console means a new chance for a few people to get filthy rich - the PlayStation 5 wasn't safe from scalpers.

Amazon Fired Its Courier…

I just beep it down and it’s time – this is pretty much what the courier thought when he…
Prepare your wallets: the PlayStation 5's SSD expansion might be costing more than you think.

Even Super Smash Bros.’…

Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of the popular fighting Nintendo IP, Super Smash Bros., claims that the PlayStation 5 should…

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