Summer Game Fest Archives - theGeek.games

Tag: Summer Game Fest

It has been suspected for some time that there were problems with E3 2022, but the decision has only now been officially communicated to the US media and companies.

E3 Returns Next Year…

E3 officially confirmed the date of the congress, which will return in 2023, and revealed several changes for next…
It has been suspected for some time that there were problems with E3 2022, but the decision has only now been officially communicated to the US media and companies.

E3 2022 Is Cancelled:…

It has been suspected for some time that there were problems with E3 2022, but the decision has only…
Geoff Keighley continues to preview the big reveals that awaits us at The Game Awards gala this year

The Game Awards 2021:…

Geoff Keighley continues to preview the big reveals that awaits us at The Game Awards gala this year  …
Metal Gear's father, Hideo Kojima claims that his latest game, Death Stranding did not predict the pandemic, and that he's not a prophet.

Kojima jokes: “If I…

Metal Gear’s father, Hideo Kojima claims that his latest game, Death Stranding did not predict the pandemic and that…
The intention to use the brand reinforces the idea of Fable's return – a Fable announcement might be in the pipeline.

New Signs Point To…

The intention to use the brand reinforces the idea of ​​Fable’s return – a Fable announcement might be in…
Microsoft Summer Game Fest

Microsoft Announces Its Summer…

The Microsoft Summer Game Fest event will take place from July 21 to 27, and will allow testing titles still…