The French firm Vivendi is back and buying shares in big French gaming compagnies!

The French company Vivendi might be familiar to you veteran players – earlier, they were the owners of Universal Studios, and they also merged Vivendi Games with Activision to form Activision Blizzard, a giant company, out of which they quit in 2013, effectively leaving the market of videogames behind entirely. Until now. They are coming back….

They bought stakes in two French companies – namely, in Ubisoft and Gameloft. They spent a total of 160 million euros (183 million US dollars) to get a total of 6.6% stake in Ubisoft and 6.2% in Gameloft, respectively. This is obviously not a controlling stake in either companies, but usually, this is how companies are usually getting bought up: first with a smaller stake, which eventually gets raised higher and higher.

This step will not see much effect in the shorter run, but we’re eager to see how Vivendi will get into more into their Frenchmen collagues – this is very likely to happen in the next few years! Will they… gasp, merge the two companies in the future?!

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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