Modern Warfare 2: Cpt. Price & Soap MacTavish Voice Actors Talk About The Game! - theGeek.games

Modern Warfare 2: Cpt. Price & Soap MacTavish Voice Actors Talk About The Game!

The voice actors of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 reveal what it was like to play beloved characters like Cpt. Price and Soap.



In a recent interview, the voice actors of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 talk about how their roles have impacted them. They explained how they adapted familiar, fan-favourite characters for a new era. The game’s campaign is now available in early access for pre-order. It soon became apparent that Infinity Ward emphasised character development and jokes more than ever before.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s campaign features more dialogue than any previous MW game.

In some notable instances, players can direct the conversation to the topic of their choice. While not a first for the CoD series, the new title makes greater use of this feature. This has provided a perfect opportunity for voice actors.

Barry Sloane and Neil Ellice play Captain Price and Soap MacTavish, respectively. They recently spoke to NME about their performances. Sloane said he tried to pay homage to Billy Murray’s classic portrayal of Price. But also put a little of himself into the role. “Billy’s a little more clipped, a little more in the system – mine’s a little more working class, I think,” he explained. Sloane also noted that he had initially wanted Price to sound a little more Scouse-like. However, Infinity Ward ultimately chose not to go that route.

On the other hand, Ellice said that he was advised to bring as much of himself as possible to the role of Soap. He thinks that over-reliance on previous performances might be too much of a crutch.

He was also pleased with her chemistry with Ghost. “We both bring some lighter moments into it as well, which is really closer to my own personality,” Ellice said. With Modern Warfare 2’s campaign a hit on Steam, it seems Infinity Ward has chosen the right talent for the job in most respects.

There were issues with the early campaign access for Modern Warfare 2. However, many players seem happy with how it turned out. This is especially notable because Infinity Ward and Activision are now using the game’s single-player content to provide an early demo of the game’s full roster of game modes, with multiplayer being the most important upcoming feature.

Source: NME

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