It Has Just Been Revealed What Nicolas Cage Owes To David Bowie

MOVIE NEWS – Nicolas Cage never played two identical characters, he managed to renew himself in all his roles, and he thanks David Bowie for that, who once told him not to get comfortable.


And indeed, Cage has already received an Oscar for dramatic performance (Las Vegas, Terminal), played action heroes with great success (Prisoner Flight, The Face/Face ), also played in a superhero parody (Ha-Ver).

“I once asked David Bowie: how do you always manage to redefine yourself? Cage told ScreenRant. – This wise man replied: I never allow myself to get comfortable with what I do. I took your advice for life. When I come across a project, I need to know if I can add something. Where does all this come from? A great mystery. I don’t know either.”

Cage also redefines himself in his next film, as he plays Count Dracula, from whom his personal assistant, Renfield (Nicholas Hoult) wants to escape because he considers him to be a poisonous prince .

(Renfield: domestic release: April 13, 2023)

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