Fallout 5 Would Be Better Off Without VATS! - theGeek.games

Fallout 5 Would Be Better Off Without VATS!

The implementation we saw in Starfield was not the same, so Bethesda Game Studios (BGS) better get rid of this traditional system if the studio is going to make a new Fallout after Starfield and The Elder Scrolls VI.


VATS is a system where the game pauses to allow you to aim at certain parts of your opponent’s body (even their head), but not all of your shots will hit (and in fact, they often miss, even with a ninety percent chance of hitting!), so you can either shoot their weapons out of their hands or slow them down by aiming at their legs. With better aim, we can take down those who would finish us off in even more spectacular fashion. But we saw something different with Starfield.

Starfield has a similar system, but it doesn’t use VATS. When you max out the Boost Assault Training ability, floating with the boost pack slows time significantly, allowing you to easily target your opponent like Red Dead Redemption 2’s Dead Eye ability, and the effect lasts as long as you’re floating, allowing you to kill multiple enemies at once with good aim. During gunfights, the slow motion makes it even more cinematic. But it requires a boost pack, and it takes several hours to max out your Boost Assault training. So compared to VATS, there’s a lot more to do before you get to the point where you can fight spectacularly.

If there is a VATS in Fallout 5, and it changes, BGS could take a cue from Starfield. Of course, if the franchise is rebooted, it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see VATS go. Instead of using the jetpack, we could get a time delay mechanism that would allow for more precise aiming, so it would be similar to the classic system, but the execution would still be modified.

On top of that, we still have a long way to go for Fallout 5, and we haven’t heard much officially about BGS and Microsoft’s plans…

Source: GameRant

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