Cyberpunk 2077: Keanu Reeves Thinks There’s No Need To Legitimize Games

Keanu Reeves, who you might remember from either The Matrix or the John Wick films, has had a stellar performance at E3 when it was confirmed that he’ll be in Cyberpunk 2077.

BBC had a video interview with Reeves, who said the following: „I don’t think they [the games] need legitimizing. If anything I’d say it’s gone the other way. It’s more of the influence gaming has had on Hollywood. Certainly with the Marvel universe, right? But then gaming probably started in the beginning with Hollywood. I think these technologies have been talking to each other. I remember when Marlon Brando starred in Superman and said ‘Okay, so now they can just digitize how I am, my look and do another performance and I don’t need to be there’.

That idea of the technology of image capture and performance, we’re seeing now in Hollywood so many performances where they’re either ageing or making other performers younger. The elasticity of performance and time and what you look like and who you are, it’s getting more complex.”

He also talked about his Cyberpunk 2077 character, Johnny Silverhand: „I’m kind of a guide, but also… You have to do something, but Johnny wants to do something too, so there’s this…Am I your friend? Am I a foe? Am I really helping you? Am I not helping you? Are you in my way? What I thought was really cool is, you’re not only getting what your character looks like with clothing or gender. You also can choose a different kind of directions of character. And also you get to express that. Are you a hacker? Do you want to go more physical, more intellectual? More problem-solving… You can adjust all these things and you can play the game in all those different ways, and the game is changing to you. Your list of decisions and every scene that you’ve come up with, you’re really kind of like choosing the path that you want to go on.”

Cyberpunk 2077‘s expansions will be similarly big to what we have seen in The Witcher 3. Regarding this subject, Alvin Liu told PrimaGames a few details: „We are talking about expansions in the future. We want to make sure [the story’s] complete, but we also want to build open worlds. I know when I was playing The Witcher 3 and I finished everything, I still wanted to know what everyone was up to. I think we’re going to have opportunities like [The Witcher 3] as well for Cyberpunk 2077.”

He also added that nothing is held back for DLC in the game either: „It’s a very satisfying story arc, right? You’re going to see characters and you’ll see them develop. You’re going to see them go through conflicts and resolve those conflicts. It’ll be a very rewarding ending. We’re not withholding content, we’re not withholding story for the future to try to, you know, monetize it or sell it in pieces or anything like that. You’re going to get the whole, full value game here.”

Cyberpunk 2077 is out on April 16 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: WCCFTech, WCCFTech

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Anikó, our news editor and communication manager, is more interested in the business side of the gaming industry. She worked at banks, and she has a vast knowledge of business life. Still, she likes puzzle and story-oriented games, like Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, which is her favourite title. She also played The Sims 3, but after accidentally killing a whole sim family, swore not to play it again. (For our office address, email and phone number check out our IMPRESSUM)

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