Michael Bay’s new action film, Ambulance, has caught the attention of the US military

MOVIE NEWS – The hero of Ambulance is forced to rob a bank to pay for his wife’s nearly quarter of a million dollar surgery. The bank robbery goes wrong, of course, and our hero must flee across town in a paramedic, trailed by an army of police officers in car helicopters, a wounded cop on board, his partner in crime (Jake Gyllenhaal) and a nurse.


Michael Bay’s new work looks like a decent action movie, the US military portal Military. com author James Barber devotes an impassioned article to him, and not because he has any doubts about his quality based on his prior record. Will, the sympathetic bank robber, is a war veteran, a Purple Heart recipient for the bravest soldiers, who receives above-average medical benefits for his meritorious service, but cannot afford to pay his wife’s medical expenses. So he visits the bank with a machine rifle.

Barber asks why politicians didn’t pass legislation decades ago to ensure that military families receive adequate social security benefits. The author’s mind’s eye conjures up a vision of our grandchildren watching Bay’s film and not understanding the premise: why should medical costs be bankrupted?

(Ambulance – domestic release: 17 February 2022)

Source: UIP

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